The following requirements are set out by NESA for the completion of Stage 5 and eligibility of the award of a Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

To receive a RoSA, students must attend school until the final day of Year 10.

Mandatory curriculum requirements

Students must complete the following mandatory curriculum for the RoSA:

The NESA syllabus must be studied substantially throughout Years 7-10. 400 hours need to be completed by the end of Year 10.

The NESA syllabus must be studied substantially throughout Years 7-10. 400 hours need to be completed by the end of Year 10.

The NESA syllabus must be studied substantially throughout Years 7-10. 400 hours need to be completed by the end of Year 10.

Human Society and Its Environment
The NESA syllabus must be studied substantially through Years 7-10. 400 hours need to be completed by the end of Year 10. This must include 100 hours each of History and Geography in each stage.

Other than English 100 hours to be completed in one language over one continuous 12 month period between Years 7-10 but preferably in Years 7-8.

Technological and Applied Studies
NESA’s Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 syllabus to be studied for 200 hours.

Creative Arts
200 hours to be completed, consisting of NESA’s 100-hour mandatory courses in each of Visual Arts and Music. NESA expect that the 100-hour mandatory courses in these subjects will be taught as coherent units of study and not split over a number of years.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
NESA’s mandatory 300-hour course to be completed. This integrated course is to be studied in each of Years 7-10.

The satisfactory completion of a course requires the Principal to have sufficient evidence that the student has:

  • followed the course developed or endorsed by the NESA; and
  • achieved some or all of the course outcomes; and
  • applied himself/herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school.

‘N’ determinations

Failure to achieve a satisfactory level could result in a student receiving an ‘N’ award for that subject. One or more ‘N’ awards could disqualify a student from receiving a RoSA. However, as a school we seek to explore all possible steps to assist the student to avoid receiving this award.